
How to start a Dutch BV (Private Limited Company)

Frequently Asked Questions How to start a Dutch BV (Private Limited Company)

Our Dutch lawyers and legal consultants have experience in dealing with Dutch startup companies of B. Amsterdam (Europe’s biggest startup ecosystem, based in Amsterdam), or expats of, and several other communities, that rely on our Dutch lawyer services.  Bolder Launch has a reputable name as a Dutch law firm, and our entrepreneurial attitude allows us to provide simple legal solutions, for fixed fees and without hidden (hourly) charges.

Our Dutch legal services are aimed to add value for your business and to ensure that your business grows safely, without having to focus on the legal gaps or waste money on endless legal reports and unnecessary legal help. We focus on the legal problems that matter and tackle them with a no-nonsense approach.

The Netherlands is one of the most innovative countries in the world, with a great entrepreneurial climate. It’s low taxes, professional (and English-speaking) workforce, and great infrastructure makes the Netherlands the ideal gateway to Europe. 

But will The Netherlands be the best country for YOU to establish your business? It usually is! 
Having said that, it would be best to contact our Incorporation team to discuss your situation, and determine if the Netherlands is indeed the right choice for you!

EU nationals are free to start a Dutch company, and work and live in The Netherlands without any extra requirements (other than registering themselves at their City Council). 

For non-EU nationals, immigration regulations need to be considered, in case you are planning to stay for a long-term in The Netherlands. As a business owner, owning both an overseas business, as a Dutch company, it’s relatively easy to obtain a multi-entry Schengen Visa. This will allow you to travel to the Netherlands and reside in the Netherlands for a max of 90 days per trip, with a max. of 180 days per year. If you are planning to become a resident in The Netherlands, you can consider the Entrepreneurs Visa, or the Startup Visa. You can find more information in our Launch Guide

In order to start a Dutch business, you will deal with the following (government) ‘bodies’:

  • The Dutch Notary (in case of a private limited)
  • The Dutch Chamber of Commerce (The Kamer van Koophandel (
  • The ‘formation agent’ (such as Bolder Launch)
  • The Dutch Tax & Customs Administration (who will issue the Tax ID’s
  • The Dutch City Council (in case your Dutch bank requires you to obtain a BSN number in The Netherlands)
  • The IND (Immigration Office), in case you will apply for a residency permit (such as the Startup Visa)

​And of course, you might have to deal with any of the cofounders, or board members that you will appoint for your Dutch company. Every board member, and shareholder (owning more than 25% of the shares) will have to provide full cooperation in the company formation process. This means they will need to provide their passport copy and proof of address, and have to get identified in person (video call), or need to provide legalised copies of their information (and signature).

Company formation in The Netherlands can be done by a single person. Even if that person is not a resident. A single person can act as both director, as shareholder.

In case of a sole proprietorship, there is no shareholder involved, and the Dutch notary will also not be involved in the company formation process

For more queries, reach us here.

Our launch guide